Discussion with the people of hadith

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This thread is for anyone who adheres to hadith as guidance if they wish to discuss with us.
As it may be known, we, and personally I in this case, do not take my guidance from any man-made books like hadith - for the simple reason that the guidance comes from the Qur'an.

Ever since I was a child, many "traditions" we blindly followed (no doubt passed down by some imam or scholar) seemed very illogical to me.

Other things deriving from the tradition, that very much bothered me - I am being sincere here - since I was a very small child, is for example the extensive praise of Muhammad, pbuh - especially such details like in all mosques in my area seeing the name of Muhammad always being put at the front wall in the mosque - on the same level with the name of God. So, everywhere I went, I would pray in the direction of 2 big signs that said "Allah - Muhammad". As if, we have 2 gods and we are directing our prayer to those two.

Here is an example of how that looks like in the mosque:


Since the overwhelming majority of common people here had no idea what even "hadith" are, they did not much think about these things. But I did, because I started studying and researching these things.

And as many point out: if only the majority of Muslims would actually know what utter nonsense can be found in the hadith, which is not only illogical, but many times degrading regarding the prophets, perverse and literally evil -- they too would start questioning the validity of hadith.

The more the time passed the more I noticed that many things are quite problematic when taking hadith as religious guidance - things that directly contradict the Qur'an, things that are a matter of life and death, where one's very existence can be threatened if one were to literally take the religious rulings from those books.

Naturally if you bring this up to "imams" you will be met with fearce resistance, where critical thinking is not allowed, or where sofisticated mental gymnastics are applied in order to "reconcile" some saying in some hadith book with the Qur'an or the actual reality.

I think the core of the issue with the common people who continue adhering to hadith is actually FEAR.

They are afraid that if they reject hadith as religious guidance then they will be shunned by their community, ostracized and somehow be condemned by God - while ignoring that the Qur'an perfectly lays out the guidance on what you have to do to please God.

Anyway, feel free to discuss this - also if you are someone who keeps sticking to the hadith - please do bring your arguments.
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. | Q:6:59
(Edited 21.10.2024, 03:59 by sHuRuLuNi.)
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Here is an interesting correspondence I just had on X.

Daniel Haqiqatjou posted a post urging people to leave aside minute differences in "Aqida" (creed) and unite:

Daniel Haqiqatjou wroteMuslims with different forms of Aqida (e.g., Ashari, Maturidi, Ahl al-Hadith, Athari) are obliged to cooperate and work together as allies, no matter what the Madkhalis and sectarian ignoramuses screech about.

To which I replied with this post:

sHuRuLuNi wroteJust stear away as much as you can from man-made hadith (both hadith of "sunnies" as well as of "shias") and STICK TO THE QURAN - and you will see how the religion of God is simple and beautiful - and you will see UNITY come back.

And then here are some replies to that, from the hardcore hadith followers:

@mr_davidcc wroteMunkar e Hadith Spotted...!!!


You are a kaffir if you reject the Hadith

Such nice people, aren't they?

I fear many of these people are just too far gone in their sectarianism disease.
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. | Q:6:59
(Edited 11.10.2024, 16:25 by sHuRuLuNi.)
Another post on X from an (in)famous "Dawah" Guy:

@smile2jannah wroteThere are certain people who have been incredibly quiet during the genocide in Palestine. However, now that Israel is being attacked, these same people have suddenly awoken and are posting regularly and passionately, focusing only on Sunni and Shia differences—which, of course, exist—but amplifying them at a time when the ummah should be united against Israel is highly suspicious and questionable

And my reply to it, once more:

@sHuRuLuNi wroteAnd I will say it again: BLIND are you all if you cannot see that the REASON for sectarianism are man-made books which you have attributed to the prophet.
If you would set them aside - we all use ONE QUR'AN - there would no sectarianism. But you did exactly what God warned us not to do:
"Do not be of those who associate others with Allāh, those who have divided their religion and become SECTS, every faction rejoicing in what it has." - Qur'an 30:31-32
Will you not obey Allah - when he COMMANDS you NOT TO DIVIDE INTO SECTS?!

Awaiting curses and "kafir" calls from troglodytes ...
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. | Q:6:59
This is a comment I posted on a video by the YouTuber "Imam Zayd Institute", who brings good points about the division of the Ummah. I have watched most of his videos, and his journey, no doubt influenced by what's happening to the Ummah in the last year especially, seems to mark a significant shift on his stance. He does seem genuinely frustrated by all the sectarianism that is plaguing the Muslims.

Anyway, here is what I said:

The Division and Sectarianism happens because Muslims are NOT holding onto the Rope of Allah, but rather holding onto ropes of the likes of Bukhari & Co.
Allah commanded us explicitly in the Qur'an to NOT divide into sects, calling those that do MUSHRIKS:

"Do not be of those who associate others with Allāh, those who have divided their religion and become SECTS, every faction rejoicing in what it has." - Qur'an 30:31-32

Yet, people do not want to listen to Allah, and become "sunnies", "shias", "whatevers" ... Understand that the moment you have done this, and accepted other Authority besides Allah - you are in fact a MUSHRIK.

The problems clearly stem from MAN-MADE books that attribute sayings to the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.
But God never revealed those "books". God revealed the Qur'an as the SOLE GUIDANCE.

So, just do a test: Leave the Hadith books aside for a moment, both of you, Shia and Sunni, and then see how the UNITY will emerge.

And God has NOT LEFT ANYTHING out of the Qur'an. Whatever issue you may face, you can find the answer in the Qur'an.

And please stop with the plattitudes like "But how do you pray then if you reject the hadith?!".
God told you in the Qur'an how to pray.
The essence there is TO PRAY - and not in the UNIMPORTANT stuff of "how many rakaah do I do here?", "should I wiggle the index finger or not?", "where should I put my hands".
It fascinates me that people do not understand the core of the Qur'an, that details like that are something made up to make Islam HARD to follow, while God says in the Qur'an that he made the Deen easy.
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. | Q:6:59
(13.10.2024, 09:31)sHuRuLuNi wrote Another post on X from an (in)famous "Dawah" Guy:

There are certain people who have been incredibly quiet during the genocide in Palestine. However, now that Israel is being attacked, these same people have suddenly awoken and are posting regularly and passionately, focusing only on Sunni and Shia differences—which, of course, exist—but amplifying them at a time when the ummah should be united against Israel is highly suspicious and questionable

Imagine this: He has since DELETED this post. No doubt got smacked by his Masters for going out of line. Unbelievable.
You will notice this very often. If one of the hardcore Salafis posts something that even just might insinuate any kind of deviating from their sectarian doctrine, they will promptly be forced to delete it and walk back in line.

I mean, how much of a coward do you have to be?
Not a leaf falls without His knowledge. | Q:6:59

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